The Resource Centre Network (RCN) is an institutional partnership that promotes Knowledge Management (KM) services within the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector in Ghana.

Ghana marks National Patient Safety Day 2021 - IRC joins GHS and partners

IRC Ghana joined the Ghana Health Service and partners to celebrate the third National Patient Safety and Healthcare Quality Conference 2021, held in Accra from September 15-17, on the theme: “No Quality, No Coverage. Safe Maternal and Newborn Care Now.”

Ghana commemorates Menstrual Hygiene Day 2021

To mark International Menstrual Hygiene Day 2021, IRC Ghana joined the Ghana Education Service School Health and Education Programme (GES-SHEP) and the National Technical Committee to mark the International Menstrual Hygiene Day

CSOs in Asutifi North District receive ANAM Small Grant

Five civil society organisations in Asutifi North District received grants to carry out public education and sensitisation around issues of equity and inclusion.

IRC and CWSA Celebrate World Water Day on GBC WASH Hour

On March 18, 2021, in Accra, IRC Ghana Country Director, Vida Duti joined hands with the Chief Executive of the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA), Worlanyo Siabi to celebrate the count down to the 2021 World Water Day (WWD) on Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) WASH Hour, a television magazine program dedicated solely for advocacy on emerging issues in the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector geared towards achieving national WASH targets.

District Chief Executive launches ANAM Small Grant Call for CSOs

On April 23, 2020, in Kenyasi, IRC Ghana in collaboration with the Asutifi North District Assembly with the support of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation launched the Asutifi North Ahonidie Mpontuo (ANAM) Small Grant Call on the District Learning Alliance Platform. The two-fold session entailed an overview of the call, the equity and inclusion highlights and the launch of the call by the District Chief Executive.

MOLE 31 Conference Opens

Accra, 03/11/2020

The 31st edition of the Mole Conference series organized by the Coalition of Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) opened in Teiman-Abokobi in the Ga East Municipality of Greater Accra.

Video stories of change from two Ghanaian districts as a result of post-construction interventions

IRC Ghana has been providing post-construction support to Akatsi North and South Districts in the Volta Region of Ghana as part of the district system strengthening efforts. This intervention is a move towards professionalising the work of area mechanics and equipping them with the necessary skills to perform their tasks more effectively for improved water service delivery.

COVID-19: Programme to ensure safety of markets, fight stigmatization out-doored

A year’s Integrated Hygiene Behaviour Change Campaign aimed at ensuring safety at market places and ‘fighting’ stigmatization against COVID-19 survivors through mass media has been outdoored in Accra on Thursday.


Good hygiene practices and the observation of safety protocols remain some of the most effective ways to prevent COVID-19 infections. In recognition of this, the Mastercard Foundation and WaterAid Ghana (WAG) have announced the launch of a campaign to promote good hygiene in public places, including markets and bus terminals in several districts in the country

Drawing lessons from WASH success stories in Ghana

Ghana's development aspirations are aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Goal 6, which ensures the availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, is a challenge since in 2017 19% of the population did not yet have access to at least a basic level of water services and only 36% were using safely managed water accessible on the premises. Almost one in five (18%) of the population was still practising open defecation. Service sustainability has been further challenged by the large number of non-functional water systems.
