Learning Alliance

The Learning Alliance is comprised of three platforms:  

National Level Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP): 

A WASH sector multi stakeholder platform with the overall goal of improving sector learning and dialogue hosted by the Ghana WASH Resource Centre Network (RCN). The platform offers learning and sharing opportunity for sector players as one of the practical approaches to improving sector engagements/sharing with the long term aim of achieving a knowledge driven WASH sector that delivers quality and sustainable services in Ghana. NLLAP meetings are organized and facilitated by the Ghana WASH Resource Centre Network (RCN), and take place on the last Thursday of every month. They are open to all interested parties. The discussions of each NLLAP meeting are summarized and shared with the wider WASH community in the form of a communiqué after the meeting. The topics of upcoming meetings are decided on by the RCN secretariat. More info...

District Level Learning Alliance Platform (DLLAP):

Is a multi-stake holder round table dialogue at the district levels. The TPP project established these platforms in three pilot districts in Ghana. These include, Huni Valley, Mankessim and Ashaiman. The DLLAP focused around three pilots and bring together District level government departments, local level NGOs and local level private sector. Stakeholders in these platforms play an active role in the implementation of the pilots. This is to ensure that the pilot intervention is demand driven, problem based and rooted in the local reality. The DLLAP serves as a platform for capacity building and training of local level stakeholders. This is to facilitate the uptake of lessons learnt by local stakeholders and to enable scaling-up. More info...

Regional Level Learning Alliance Platform (RLLAP):

Established to facilitate learning and sharing of information and other WASH sector discourse at the regional level.The maiden edition was held in Tamale by IRC Ghana with support from RCN Ghana and its expected to spread across all 10 regions of Ghana.The RLLAP  will also serve as a capacity building platform for all stakeholders at the regional level. More info...