Yaw Asante Sarkodie: Team leader for the Water and Sanitation Monitoring platform (WSMP) of the water Directorate, Ministry of water resource and housing: Talks to Abu Wumbei of the resource center network. About the Impact of the national learning alliance in his work and life;
At personal: The platform has offered:
- An opportunity for closer professional networking with sector stake holders in the WASH sector:
- An opportunity to learn lot of many others the sector is doing in other areas.
As a unit (WSMP):
We had a great advantage at the learning Alliance, there we have been offered space to share and get feedback on some of the key areas we are working on. We have made presentations for instance to shard our data puzzle, which is an important part of the work that we do in terms of harmonization of data information in the WASH sector and out of it we had feedback to make a presentations about calculating coverage as far as drinking water is considered in the country from the user base data.
Out of things we had opportunity to share more of our outputs with stakeholders and gotten much more feedback on the areas of interest which would be more beneficial to the public.
And it has helped to redirect our work focus in terms of making sure that whatever output we produce we respond to the demands of the sector.
On individual and cooperate levels we need to do more at the learning alliance, one area we can do in terms of our activities more is to follow up on the decisions taken at all these learning alliances. Together we can document and better response to decisions taken. This aspect of monitoring should be strengthened benefit the sector.