
WASH and Election 2016 in Ghana - NLLAP 56

The 56th edition of the National Level Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP 56) highlighted for attention a number of key learning points– the need to rethink partnership with communities leading the agenda; work with communities to create a neutral structured platform to lead the setting of their own agenda; provide up-to-date evidence and its implication for the wider development; and widen the base and make a compelling case for inclusive participation among target communities, etc.

Sanitation Challenge for Ghana: A learning opportunity for innovative urban sanitation financing

The 4th community-led total sanitation (CLTS) annual stock taking forum (STF) agreed to explore learning from the Sanitation Challenge for Ghana initiative as one of the existing innovative sanitation financing mechanisms. This was one of the key decision points in the forum communique shared at the end of the 4-day event.

Watershed Ghana partnership for CSO advocacy and lobby launched

The Watershed Ghana work package, a component of a 5-year multi-country strategic partnership between the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs and IRC (lead), Simavi, Wetlands International and Akvo, to deliver improvements in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services through Civil Society Organisation (CSO) advocacy and lobby was launched in Accra on 30 June, 2016.

About Mr. Ben Yaw Ampomah, the Executive Secretary of Water Resources Commission

Ghana’s public sector is like a nest; the habitation of the haughty and the mod­est. However, its pride is the likes of Mr. Ben Yaw Ampomah, the Executive Secretary of the Water Resources Commission, described by many people as modest and noble.

Mole Conference ends with key decision points

The 26th edition of the annual Mole conference under the theme, ‘Financing the WASH within the SDGs: Options and strategies for Ghana’, ended in Upper East Regional capital, Bolgatanga on Friday, 23rd October, 2015  with key decision points.  

Mole XXVI Conference opens in Bolgatanga

October 21 - The first ever Mole Conference in Upper East Region opened in Bolgatanga today. Welcoming participants to the region, Hon. James Tiigar, the Upper East Regional Minister commended the Coalition of NGOs in Water and Sanitation (CONIWAS) for sustaining the Mole series; and for the 26th edition theme, Financing WASH within the SDGs: Options and Strategies", which he described as appropriate and timely

From data to impact: Leveraging partnerships for sustainable rural water services in Ghana

The Ghana Rural Water Forum took place in Accra yesterday, October 7, 2015 at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel under the theme, ‘From Data to Impact: Leveraging partnerships for sustained rural water services’ under the distinguished patronage of the Minister for Water Resources Works and HousingThe SMARTerWASH Project, a joint initiative led by the Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) that focuses on ensuring effective use of monitoring information to keep water and sanitation services working, shared the baseline data on functionality and service levels of existing rural water and small town water facilities in about six regions in Ghana.

NLLAP 50 highlights WASH and health linkages

The National Level Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP) hosted WaterAid Ghana at its 50th edition under the Healthy Start project to highlight WASH and health linkages and to present the Healthy Start project to WASH stakeholders in Ghana. 

Focus more on long-term sustainable WASH service delivery – Water Minister

Ghana’s Minister for Water Resources, Works and Housing has urged stakeholders in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector to focus more on long-term sustainable service approach than the one-off project-based method.

Stakeholders unanimous on sustainable infrastructure for Ghana’s WASH sector

ACCRA, Feb. 12, 2015 - Stakeholders on Ghana’s Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector have stressed the need to focus on a more sustainable service approach that will last for generations.

NGOs asked to be more in sync with each other

ACCRA - November 06 at the Mole Conference

Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) participating in the 25th edition of the Mole Conference series have been urged to work more together than in isolation in the WASH sector.

The call was made by Ms Veronica Ayi-Bonte of IRC Ghana, during a presentation on the evaluation of leaning work by IRC at the Mole Conference on Thursday, November 6, 2014.

Unavailability of data on NGO operations sad!

Accra - November 05 at Mole Conference

The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, Mr Julius Debrah, has described as sad, the lack of data on the operations of non-governmental organisations (NGOS) in Ghana. He has therefore urged NGOs operating in the country, to develop implementable strategies to address that gap.

Mole series set to celebrate twenty-five years of WASH sector engagement

The Twenty-firth edition of the Mole Conference series is slated for November 4-8, 2014 at Ramada Hotel (former Coco Beach), Nugua, Accra - Ghana on the theme, ''Mole Conference Series@25: Reflection to define the future".

Two districts establish Learning Alliance Platforms on Basic Sanitation

The Tatale and Kpandai Districts in the Northern Region have established Learning Alliance Platforms (DLLAPs) to promote knowledge management in basic sanitation. The establishment of these DLLAPs was facilitated by the RCN through the Sanitation Knowledge Management Initiative (SKMI).

Up-scaling WASH through Endogenous Development

The time has come to for serious consideration to be given to a development process that respects and utilizes traditional Ghanaian culture, the wisdom of elders and indigenous resources. This was one of the key issues that came up at the national level learning alliance platform meeting in Accra after WaterAid Ghana (WAG) and the Centre for Indigenous Knowledge and Organizational Development (CIKOD) shared the Endogenous Development (ED) approach.

Learning platform discusses sanitation crises in Accra

The August edition of the National Level Learning Alliance Platform discussed a 3 year multi-disciplinary study on sanitation conducted in Accra. The 45th edition of the monthly learning and sharing session took place on Tuesday, 26th August, 2014 at the Coconut Grove Hotel in Accra on the theme, “The Sanitation Crisis in Accra – The Evidence and Investment Options in Low Income Urban Communities”. This platform hosted the SaniPath project team of experts who shared the study findings and launched the SaniPath Rapid Assessment tool developed over the period. 

Government shares CLTS updates with stakeholders

The Environmental Health and Sanitation Directorate of the Ministry of Water Resources Works and Housing (EHSD-MLGRD) shared updates of the community-led total sanitation (CLTS) at the National Level Learning Alliance Platform (NLLAP) meeting, which took place o Friday, 26th September, 2014 at the Erata Hotel in Accra.

No funds for Community Service Committees - PURC

Although the Act that established the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC), enjoins it to establish Community Service Committees (CSCs) across the country, only three have been established to date. The three are in Wa, Obuasi and Takoradi. The committees are intended to assist community members as well as the commission, in having issues regarding service provision by utility providers addressed efficiently and quickly.

30 communities benefit from €625 facility

This comprises €499,970 representing 80 per cent of the total amount from the EC and €124,982 making up a 20 per cent contribution from WaterAid Ghana (WAG), which secured the facility under the EC-NSA window in 2013.

NLLAP 42 (WASH in Schools: National Minimum Standards and Implementation Models)

The SHEP-GES, with the support of UNICEF,led the discussions under the chairmanship of Mrs Cynthia Bosumtwi-Sam, Director for Curriculum Research Development Division, GES.“WASH in Schools: National Minimum Standards and Implementation Models” was the topic for this edition of NLLAP. Information shared, the reflections and the minimum standards and model documents are available here. 

CWSA Operational documents now online

Four of the five Community Water and Sanitation Agency (CWSA) operational documents, recently launched by Hon. Alhaji Collins Dauda, Minister of Water Resources Works and Housing, are now available online

Media Release - "IRC joins dialogue in Washington on Sanitation and Water for All"

The third Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) High Level Meeting will be held at the World Bank in Washington DC on 11 April 2014. It is a major milestone as developing and donor countries, and international organisations meet to discuss and commit to improved access to sanitation and water for all. The Dutch based think-and-do tank, IRC has announced its statement of commitments today.

Ghana's 2014 SWA HLM Commitments

Ghana is set to announce its 2014 commitments at the third Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) High Level Meeting (HLM), which takes place on April 11, 2014 at the World Bank in Washington DC. 

IRC and Aguaconsult launch new venture: ‘IRCconsult’

THE HAGUE | LONDON, 9 April 2014 - IRC and Aguaconsult, two highly regarded water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) organisations in the international development sector, announced today that they have launched a new consultancy venture: IRCconsult.

Ghana: Government pledges to invest US$170m in water and sanitation

Even before the third Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) High Level Meeting (HLM) gets underway at the World Bank in Washington DC on April 11, 2014, the Government of Ghana has pledged a total annual investment of US$170 million in the water and sanitation sector.
